Focus “Non Binary Identies and the Law”

A cura di G. Noto La Diega e A. Schuster

(Contributi pubblicati online first)

‘Sex/Gender’ and the Mirage of Non-Binary Identities in the European Court of Human Rights’ Case Law

Sam Chollet

La situación del reconocimiento legal de las identidades no binarias en el Perú: Un análisis desde la perspectiva del derecho humano a la identidad

Peter Alexis Cruz Espinoza

Language as a Cage and a Tool: Drafting Non-Binary into UK Legislation

Oscar Davies

Transformative Constitutionalism and Gender Identity in Comparative Perspective

Giacomo Giorgini Pignatiello, Giulio Farronato

Lessons from a Fair Adjudication of Third Gender Markers: A Comparison of Canadian, English, French, and European Judicial Perceptions of Non-Binary Gender Markers

Alexandre Gliott

Law as Symbolic Other in the Acquisition of Personhood for Non-Binary Individuals

Carolynn Gray

Appunti per un progetto abolizionista

Francesco Rana

Il diritto ad essere diversi: oltre il binarismo nella rettificazione di sesso?

Giulia Sulpizi