Orsetta Giolo
Professoressa associata di Filosofia del diritto, Università di Ferrara
(Contributo pubblicato online first)
The objective of this analysis is to try to understand what relationship presently exists between gendered conceptions of responsibility and women’s freedom, neoliberal hyper-responsibilisation and the rhetoric of care mainstreaming. In the following pages I shall try to reflect on the consequences of the neoliberal subjectivity in a feminist perspective, focusing above all on the impact that the transformations of responsibility and freedom produce on the life of women, as well as on their legal and political condition.
Il saggio propone un’analisi della relazione attualmente esistente tra le concezioni genderizzate della responsabilità e della libertà delle donne, l’iper-responsabilizzazione neoliberale e la retorica del care mainstreaming. Indagando nella prospettiva femminista le conseguenze della soggettività neoliberale, particolare attenzione è dedicate all’impatto che le trasformazioni in corso della responsabilità e della libertà producono sulla vita delle donne, nonché sulla loro condizione giuridica e politica.
1. The pandemic and care mainstreaming. – 2. Freedom (still) misunderstood. The time of feminism and the time of rights. – 2.1. Freedom between responsibility and care. – 3. Female responsibility in the patriarchal vision. – 3.1. The specific forms of women’s responsibility. – 4. Female responsibility: responsibility without freedom. – 5. Two responsibilities for two genders: (male) law and its implicit assumptions. – 6. Responsibility in the neoliberal perspective: hyper-responsibilisation or feminisation? – 7. Equality as the key: rethinking freedom and responsibility.